You may recognize Mrs Cheryl (left) and Mrs Charlene (right), the mother and daughter team that brought you Real Art for Real People!
Mrs. Cheryl retired in 2018. Mrs. Charlene has been teaching 23 years in Sarasota.
3985 Swift Road in Sarasota, Florida
I am located in the Beautiful Balance Wellness Center only two blocks south of Bee Ridge on Swift Road in Sarasota.
This is not anyone's home, nor has anyone ever lived here.
There are several other businesses inside besides my studio.
From I-75 take Bee Ridge exit to light at Swift. Turn left onto Swift Road and it will be on your left. Turn into the side street, Stoneland Lane, with a convenient turn lane, to enter our parking lot.
For questions, you are always welcome to call/text Charlene at 941.724.4322 or use the form below to email.